Hi, my name is Lydia Alvarez and I am the mom of Alexander Alvarez. We got connected with Keys 2 Success with his school at South Street. He began this program I believe in kindergarten, and the have been amazing teaching piano and teaching him how to read notes and how to just absorb the music.
This past year, Alexander has not been able to participate the way he was, because he was diagnosed with leukemia and he was out. And what I truly love about this program is both his private teacher through Keys 2 Success Patricio and the organizer of this program Mrs. Krska worked with him virtually to make sure that he could continue his learning with this program and that he didn't feel isolated.
When he was able to return to school, but not be around too many students, they would have one on one lessons with him in the classroom. And what he extremely loves about Keys 2 Success is the fact that they have continued the learning through this pandemic and they do zoom lessons so they still meet with the kids.
Keys 2 Success has been revolutionary in our lives because it has opened up a passion my son never knew he had and he's developed a deep love for music and you can see him pick out the various notes in the songs that we hear on the radio now, or he'll question "mommy that's a piano song and I think I know those keys that they're playing!" So I completely and absolutely love Keys 2 Success. They will continue to shape my son's life for as long as possible.